binary heap implementation
A binary heap implementation is a data structure that organizes elements in a complete binary tree. It satisfies the heap property, where for a max heap, the key of each node is greater than or equal to the keys of its children. This structure allows for efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval of the maximum element.
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Related Concepts (20)
- array-based implementation
- binary heap operations
- binary heap visualization
- binary tree
- complete binary tree
- data structures and algorithms
- deletion operation
- heap data structure
- heap property
- heap sort
- heapify algorithm
- heapify down
- heapify up
- insertion operation
- max-heap
- min-heap
- parent-child relationship
- priority queue
- time complexity
- tree-based implementation
Similar Concepts
- balanced binary heap
- balancing a binary heap
- binary heap
- binary heap applications
- binary heap complexity analysis
- binary heap data structure
- binary heap implementation in programming languages
- binary heap representation
- binary heap trees
- binary heaps
- binary max-heap
- binary min-heap
- binomial heap
- heap sort using binary heap
- heapify operation in binary heap