heresy trials
Heresy trials refer to legal hearings that investigate and prosecute individuals accused of holding beliefs or engaging in practices that are deemed heretical or against established religious or doctrinal norms.
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Related Concepts (22)
- apostasy
- auto-da-fé
- blasphemy
- church authority
- church councils
- ecclesiastical courts
- freedom of conscience
- heretical beliefs
- inquisition
- inquisitorial procedures
- inquisitors
- martyrdom
- reformation movements
- religious censorship
- religious dissent
- religious intolerance
- religious orthodoxy
- religious persecution
- religious wars
- spanish inquisition
- suppression of heresy
- witch trials
Similar Concepts
- european witch trials
- heresy
- heresy and blasphemy
- heresy and heretics
- heresy hunting
- heresy trials during the inquisition
- inquisition trials
- modern witchcraft trials
- nuremberg trials
- salem witch trials
- the salem witch trials
- trial by ordeal for witchcraft
- witch trials during the inquisition
- witchcraft trials
- witchcraft trials and religion