trie vs hash table

Trie vs Hash table: A trie, also known as a prefix tree, is a tree-based data structure used for efficient retrieval of strings. It organizes data by storing characters of the string at each level of the tree, leading to fast searches and prefix-based queries. On the other hand, a hash table, also known as a hash map, is a data structure that uses a hash function to map keys to values. It enables constant-time average search, insert, and delete operations. Comparing the trie and hash table, both are used to store and retrieve data quickly. However, they differ in their underlying structure and usage. A trie is particularly beneficial for tasks involving prefix-based searches, such as autocomplete or spell checking, as it allows finding all possible matches efficiently. It excels when dealing with a large number of strings or when the dataset is dynamic and constantly changing. A hash table, on the other hand, provides fast access to individual elements based on a key. It is preferred when the primary requirement is direct access to specific items, without a need for prefix-based queries. Hash tables are commonly used for tasks like indexing, caching, and key-value pair storage. In summary, the trie is suitable for tasks involving prefix-based searches on large or dynamic string datasets, while the hash table is ideal for direct access to elements based on key-value association.

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