debating tactics
Debating tactics are strategic techniques or methods used to present and support arguments, challenge opposing viewpoints, and persuade or influence others during a debate.
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Related Concepts (22)
- active listening skills
- body language and nonverbal communication
- clear and concise speech
- constructive arguments
- counterarguments
- cross-examination tactics
- diplomacy in debates
- diplomatic language and tone
- emotional appeals
- evidence presentation
- fact-checking methods
- framing and reframing arguments
- logical fallacies
- oral communication strategies
- persuasive techniques
- questioning techniques
- rebuttal strategies
- red herring
- rhetorical devices
- speaking rhythm and cadence
- straw man
- verbal dexterity
Similar Concepts
- argumentative tactics
- debate
- debate and argumentation
- debate and argumentation techniques
- debate strategies
- debate tactics
- debates
- debating
- debating techniques
- faulty debating techniques
- negotiation tactics
- persuasion tactics
- persuasive tactics
- political tactics
- strategies for handling difficult or hostile opponents in debates