reasoning errors
Reasoning errors refer to mistakes or flaws in the process of thinking that lead to incorrect conclusions or judgments, often due to faulty logic, cognitive biases, or inadequate evidence.
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Related Concepts (21)
- ad hominem attacks
- appeal to authority
- appeal to ignorance
- appeal to tradition
- bandwagon fallacy
- begging the question
- cherry picking (confirmation bias)
- circular reasoning
- confirmation bias
- false analogy
- false cause
- false consensus effect
- false dilemma
- genetic fallacy
- hasty generalization
- informal logic
- oversimplification
- red herring
- slippery slope fallacy
- straw man fallacy
- tu quoque (appeal to hypocrisy)
Similar Concepts
- biased reasoning
- causal reasoning
- common reasoning mistakes
- error in reasoning
- fallacies in logic and reasoning
- fallacies in reasoning
- fallacious reasoning
- faulty reasoning
- illogical reasoning
- invalid reasoning
- problems with cause and effect reasoning
- reasoning
- reasoning and logic
- reasoning flaws
- reasoning skills