heap operations

Heap operations refer to the set of fundamental operations performed on a heap data structure, which is a complete binary tree-based data structure. The two main heap operations are "insertion" and "deletion". Insertion: Adding a new element to the heap by placing it at the next available position in the bottom-most and right-most level of the tree, while maintaining the heap property. This involves adjusting the position of the element to ensure that the heap property is preserved, which is typically done by swapping the element with its parent until the heap property is satisfied. Deletion: Removing an element from the heap while maintaining the heap property. This operation usually involves removing the root element, which is typically the largest or smallest element depending on whether it is a max-heap or min-heap. After removing the root, the last element from the bottom-most and right-most level is moved to the root position, and then it is adjusted downward by swapping with its larger (or smaller) child until the heap property is satisfied. Other common heap operations include "find-max" or "find-min" to retrieve the maximum or minimum element in the heap respectively, and "heapify" to convert an array into a valid heap structure. These operations are efficient and crucial for heap-based algorithms and data structures.

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