heapify operation
A heapify operation refers to the process of rearranging the elements in a binary heap so that the heap property is satisfied. This operation is typically used to maintain or restore the heap property after a new element has been added to or removed from the heap. Heapify operation involves comparing and swapping elements to ensure that the parent nodes are always greater (for max heap) or smaller (for min heap) than their child nodes. The key purpose of the heapify operation is to efficiently maintain the heap structure, allowing for efficient retrieval of the maximum or minimum element from the heap.
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Related Concepts (17)
- balanced binary trees
- binary heap visualization
- binary heaps
- binary min-heap
- bottom-up heap construction
- heap sort
- heapify time complexity
- heapsort algorithm
- max-heap
- max-heapify operation
- merge heap operation
- min-heap
- min-heapify operation
- priority queues
- sift down
- sift up
- top-down heap construction
Similar Concepts
- binary heap operations
- build heap operation on a binary heap
- heap data structure
- heap operations
- heap sort algorithm
- heap-based priority queue
- heapify
- heapify algorithm
- heapify down
- heapify operation and parent-child relationship
- heapify operation in binary heap
- heapify operation on a binary heap
- heapify up
- insertion operation in a heap
- priority queue operations using binary heaps